Saturday, February 4, 2017

Francois and Colbert to compete for Miss Black & Gold Texas Title

PRAIRIE VIEW:- Nikishia Francois (Miss Black and Gold Eta Gamma) and Moriah Colbert (Miss Black and Gold Epsilon Tau Lambda) are set to compete in the Miss Black & Gold Texas Pageant, sponsored by 2017 Texas Conference of Alpha Chapters at its annual conference on February 18 in Houston.

Francois and Colbert won their respective titles in the Miss Black & Gold Scholarship Pageant, held on November 10.

Francois, a sophomore Biology student from Missouri City, Texas, was named Miss Black & Gold Eta Gamma and was also the winner of the Talent, Evening Wear and Onstage Interview competitions.  While Colbert, a junior Architecture student from Indianapolis, Indiana, was named Miss Black & Gold Epsilon Tau Lambda and was also the winner of the Personal Interview and Projection and Achievement Competitions.  Both young ladies will received $1,000 cash scholarships and  the opportunity to represent the chapters.

Members of both chapters are hopeful for a repeat win at the pageant.

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